If you have ever gone camping in a tent, you might wonder how humans affected the environment and changed the climate. Many people who visit campsites in the country don’t realize that there are human influences on the air we breathe, and on the way we live. Camping outdoors lets you observe animals in their natural habitats and campers can observe the way humans have affected the air and the climate. A study done by Penn State University PSU was able to show how humans have altered the air we breathe and the climate on the surface of the planet.
In the last century there have been several major advancements in science and medicine. One of the greatest was the invention of the automobile. As travel became more popular people started to realize how important it was to keep their vehicles clean. When they realized how important the air quality was to drive, they went ahead and started to take care of the problem by installing air filters and cleaning their automobiles.

Another great discovery was the discovery of global warming. During the latter part of the Twentieth century there was a major increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This increased the concentration of greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. Evidence shows that carbon dioxide is one of the major contributors to global warming. Global warming was further noted as one of the main contributors to climate change, which is the gradual melting of the ice sheets that cover the poles. The rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has led to global warming and the recent phenomenon called climate change.
How humans affected the environment through air pollution cannot be denied. It is estimated that nearly 30% of all the irritants that are released into the atmosphere are caused by the exhaust from vehicles. Car exhausts released carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide and water vapour. When looking at how humans affected the environment through air pollution, it is important to look at how much of this is caused by vehicles rather than by other human-made products.
Global warming was also considered to be a huge cause of air pollution. Air pollution caused an increase in the atmospheric pressure over large areas of land. This increased the surface temperature of the land and in turn caused a rapid increase in the rate of evaporation. The rapid rise in surface temperatures is what warmed up the ocean’s surface, transforming it into an acidic sea. Acid rain is another significant source of air pollution.
How humans affected the environment through the gases released into the atmosphere has been highlighted through the results of research. Tests have shown that carbon dioxide is the most important cause of global warming. Other gases that are believed to have contributed to global warming include methane gas, nitrous oxide, methane gas, and carbon dioxide. Although it is difficult to answer how humans affected the environment through these gases, it has become evident that there is a link between the two and action needs to be taken to avoid significant climate change.