Aediplo, or Aed, is an aircraft or helicopter assisted landing system that uses the altered composition of the atmosphere to help slow or stop a helicopter. The air flowing over the surface of the water is compressed, causing it to slow. A low pressure area on top of the water causes the air to create a layer of high pressure and this is what keeps the air flowing over the top of the water. This system is used in both military and civilian aircraft as well as in the design of many aircraft and space shuttles. Aediplo was developed by Bell Helicopters and is used in many of their future products.
An Aediplo system allows for the creation of a thicker boundary layer of air above the top of the water, which creates a slower rate of descent for the helicopters. The slower rate of descent keeps the aircraft from burning fuel at an excessively fast rate and also allows the pilot more time in the air allowing for taking evasive action such as turning and coming in for a landing. It’s important to note that an Aediplo system is not limited to only helicopters.

The basic method of creating a thicker air layer beneath the water is by using pressurized spray on the downstream side of the nozzle and then the air is passed through a diffuser where the thicker air is created. An Aediplo system can be used with almost any size helicopter or aircraft in use today. Spray nozzles are often referred to as “hot dog” nozzles because they resemble a hot dog’s bungee spring. In actuality, the spray nozzle does nothing by itself to add a layer of thinned out air which slows the air stream through the diffuser.
Creating an air layer thicker than the atmosphere outside requires several stages of testing. First the air is loaded into the tank of AED and it is heated to produce the heat necessary to alter the air’s molecules. The air is then passed through the diffuser, which causes the stream of air to be deflected by the thicker layer of air around the nozzle. When the stream finally reaches the fighter jet at supersonic speeds the deflected stream is picked up and launched into the fighter jet’s airflow. This coating of AED coating creates a thicker air layer inside the fighter jet, which allows for more drag reduction and slower speed for the aircraft.
One common problem with this composition of air creation process is the slower the aircraft’s speed gets the less amount of time the AED coating stays on the aircraft. If the AED is used in a fighter jet, the aircraft must remain within the deflected airflow longer in order to have a chance to absorb the thicker layered air. This could literally take an hour or longer to develop an efficient AED application. This is another potential disadvantage to the system.
There are also problems in storing and transporting the AEDs to a fighter jet. Because the deflected stream takes so long to travel through the thicker air, it means that the stored AEDs must stay within the aircraft for much longer periods of time. Once the AED is deactivated it is no longer effective. Making the process of quickly deploying the AED much more complicated.